Friday, December 18, 2009

Opium Wars- Imperialism in China

From 1839 to 1842 China fought Britain that was called the "Opium Wars". It all started when Great Britain loved tea from China and wanted to trade with them. China wasn't very fond of the idea but accepted only with the exception that they used the port in Canton. However, Britain decided they should expand their trade by selling and trading with China. So they decided to sell Opium to China, which is a drug grown in India. Opium is used to make morphine and heroin. Then China banned the import of Opium because of the effects of the drug and the silver leaving China to pay for it. Then in 1838 China said that anyone using, selling or buying Opium would be put to death. However Britain's technology and army was too strong for China. Therefore Britain won the war. Also China was made to legalize the imports of Opium.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Film lesson: "Mountain of the moon"

Some of the hardships the Europeans faced in Africa are when they didn't have enough food or water. There was also a lot of diseases and sicknesses around. Every time they went to a different location, they had to deal with different tribes and leaders. There was also a lot of bugs and the grounds were difficult to walk on. It's weird that the lake was named after the British Queen because the lake was in Africa and not in the UK. The advantage of technology the British had over the Africans were the guns and other weapons. Which allowed them to later on to conquer Africa so easily.

Imperialism project

In the imperialism project we had a map and a paper with pictures of resources on them. We had to cut out the resources and then put it on places of the map. We also had a paper that determined where the resources went and what countries to color in with the color pencil. The places we colored in determined which country had taken them over. I learned that Africa had a lot of resources like coal, gold and silver. I also learned that the British took over alot of places in Africa.